Services We Offer

Debt Consolidation

With Debt Consolidation, your debts are combined into one monthly payment, without you having to take out a consolidation loan, making it more convenient to repay your debts sooner.

Debt Review

With Debt Review, all assets will be protected from financial redress solutions that will enable you to comfortably pay your monthly instalments and accrued interest, without sacrificing your living standards.

Debt Counselling

You can place your confidence in Debt Mate, as an official Debt Counselling firm registered and compliant with the National Credit Regulator (NCR) and the National Credit Act (NCA)

Debt Management

Appreciate just one reduced, hassle-free debt repayment with Debt Mates’ Debt Management process, simplifying your life and enhancing its quality at affordable rates, while you travel along the road to financial freedom.


Debt Mate offers ‘loans-free’ Debt Solutions, preventing you from incurring more debt and supplying you with the financial structure you need to reduce your debt, month by month, whilst still enjoying your life.


Contact Debt Mate as soon as possible to be shielded from blacklisting process. If you have already been blacklisted, Debt Review is the most effective and safest way to get a Clearance Certificate to rehabillitate your credit rating.

Debt Mediation

Debt Mediation does not offer you the protection of the National Credit Act and the National Credit Regulator, whereas Debt Review is designed to protect your Consumer Rights.

Debt Rescue

Debt Rescue permits you to pay a single consolidated monthly payment for all of your accounts, saving you lots of time and effort, and taking away the risk of making mistakes.

Debt Administration

Debt Administration is a risky and outdated procedure, that involves surrendering control of your finances to a stranger, whereas Debt Counselling is a legal process regulated by the NCR.

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